As a developer, i would like to share of my daily resources and tools which helps me to follow the context and makes easier developer life.
Version Control
So, for version control tools I may suggest;
Git — I use git since I became developer, currently we use git in our undergoing projects which helps developer to store the daily work in a place.
Github — I use it as my personal stash. For starters, you may also integrate it with your CI/CD pipelines.
GitLab — I used gitlab for a while but then I moved to github. I was using gitlab because of its default futures and CI/CD pipeline.
Continuous Integration
At the begining of the learning curve, I tried to use Jenkins first. It was good because it is free. But I think it is too scriptful in time and a lot of things to configure.
So as I search for free alternatives, I’ve started using Appveyor. I was using Appveyor for my personal projects which were integrated with github and nuget. Then Appveyor released on-premise product and currently we are using it on our production enviroment.
It is easy to use. Simple interface, you know what to do.
Edit; Github actions is also a good CI/CD tool for your repositories.
Cloud Development
Repl.it — With this platform you are able to code on cloud. Sometimes it is useful to test your algorithm etc.
TutorialEdge — There are lots of cool education sets
Udemy — I check it out sometimes that I catch good vidoe lessons.
KataKoda — I like the concept of it that helps you to learn any tool step by step tutorials. It simulates the environment which you want to learn.
DotNetWeekly — You may get the latest dotnet news, articles by subscrription.
ThoughtWorksRadar — Sometime I surf on thoughtworks which offers a technology guide to you. You can see the latest techs, platforms, languages and tools.
GolangWeekly —You may get the latest golang news, articles by subscrription.